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Your Most Powerful Marketing Asset

February 3, 2010

It is so easy to get overwhelmed with all the awesome marketing tools, ideas, and possibilities that are out there because of the Internet.  It seems like every day there is some new online service or software being launched.  It can be a full time job trying to keep up with all the latest and greatest internet marketing strategies.

These tools have completely revolutionized the way we view and think about home builder marketing…Not only that, but  they have allowed small builders to even the marketing playing field with the big boys.  I’ve seen small regional guys, with a tenth of the marketing budget of a big builder, with better websites and online presence.

Even though these internet marketing strategies are exciting and cutting edge,  there is a very powerful marketing asset that most builders have been naturally developing, but haven’t leveraged for their own success.  It’s not as “sexy” or innovative as internet marketing , but if used properly it can be the most powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

You Are Probably Sitting On A Gold Mine

Without doing a lick of lead capture or internet marketing, the most  powerful marketing asset you already own is your current list of  home owners ,  Realtors , and other industry contacts.  Think about it for a second…what is the best kind of lead you can get?  A referral of course.  So who better to give you a referral than the people you’ve done business with in the past?  If you’re not actively  and consistently marketing to your list of contacts, you are missing a MASSIVE opportunity of capturing more referrals and increasing your sales.

That’s why one of the first things we do with clients is organize their contact database and put them on a system that makes it easy for them to communicate with their current contacts.  The result is almost magic…website traffic, leads, and customer interaction immediately go up.

So are you taking advantage your company’s gold mine?  If you’re not, make a goal to begin doing something today.  Start small.  Send out a monthly or quarterly enewsletter.  If you don’t like writing, hire someone to do the writing and manage the process for you.    It’s powerful and it works.

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