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Internet Marketing is Overrated

January 26, 2010

If you’re a home builder, you’ve heard all the reasons why you should be doing internet marketing.  After all 90% of home buyers start their home search online and there are thousands of people searching for homes in the areas you probably build in.  Even though the Internet has become a powerful marketing medium, most builders who try internet marketing usually fail miserably and waste money in the process….there is a very simple reason and ironically it has nothing to do with the Internet or the number of people searching for homes online.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

The search numbers are staggering.  I have done keyword analysis for home builders all over the country.  I’m stunned by the sheer number of people looking for new homes in even the smallest of metro areas.   So if people are searching for new homes online in record numbers, why are builders who are doing search engine marketing, pay per click, blogging, etc are not getting the results they want?

Simple.   Internet marketing by itself is overrated.  In order to be truly successful online, not only do you have to be in front of the thousands of people searching online, but you must also have a way of capturing leads and converting those leads into sales.

Stop Spending.  Start Planning

I’m amazed at the amount of money that builders are spending on websites, search engine marketing, and other online marketing services without having a system  in place for capturing and managing the leads.   It’s like sky diving without a parachute.  You can do all the training, you can learn all the techniques, you can have the perfect jump out of the plane, but if you don’t have a parachute all that other stuff isn’t going to matter…the result is going to be predictable.  Similarly, you can have the best SEO guy, you can be a Social Media guru, or blog until the cows come home..without lead capture and lead development you will fall flat.

So before you spend another dollar on any kind of marketing initiative you need to ask yourself some very important questions:

1.   Is my website structured and designed to capture leads, or is it just an online brochure? Will the people who I have spent money to get to my website have an easy way to submit their info and contact me?

2.  What am I going to do with the lead once I receive it?

3.   Do I have a system and/or the man power in place to follow up with those leads over a long period of time?

If you can answer and address these questions, you are on your way to online marketing success.  I’ve seen it first hand with clients.  After implementing some lead capture and lead management strategies, I’ve seen clients double and triple their leads without spending a dime more in marketing.

So go ahead, take the plunge into internet marketing…but don’t forget your parachute

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